Work Reports

You can download the reports prepared throughout the study from the links below.
- To the Strategy Report from here you can access.
Istanbul's goals, vision, targets, strategies and plan action for open and green spots are included in this report.
- To the Synthesis Report from here you can access.
Evaluations that will guide the Green Area Management System Strategy Document by synthesizing the results of the literature research, participation studies and spatial analyzes are included in this report.
- To the Survey Report from here you can access.
Istanbul Green Area Management System – YAYSİS; It aims to analyze, plan and manage urban open and green spaces in the best way in order to increase the quality of life of the people living in the city. One of the participation tools determined within the scope of the study is surveys. Questionnaires were conducted to evaluate the demands, expectations and complaints of Istanbul residents about green spaces and to ensure that they have a say in the study. A household survey was conducted throughout the city in each district, a visitor survey in active/recreational green areas such as parks and urban parks in each district, and an online survey that can be attended via the address "".
- To the Workshop Report from here you can access.
It includes the results of the participation event held with academicians, experts, IBB units and District municipalities, IMM units and other metropolitan municipalities representatives at Dr. Architect Kadir Topbaş Performance and Art Center on 26 October 2022.
- To the Spatial Analysis Report from here you can access.
In the previous stages of the study, resources and literature were searched for open and green areas, which constitute an important part of the urban ecosystem. Source and literature review; Understanding the importance of open and green spaces in urban life is important in terms of realizing all stages in the planning process by making necessary analysis studies. At this stage of the study, spatial analyzes were carried out to understand the open and green areas that are available in Istanbul and recommended in the zoning plans and the socio-demographic structure within the service impact area of these areas.
- To the SWOT Analysis Report from here you can access.
In the previous parts of the study, a literature review on open and green areas was made, Istanbul Open and Green Areas were analyzed in every aspect, the results of the analysis were spatially revealed, and the opinions of the relevant stakeholders were taken by organizing focus group meetings. In this report, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Istanbul's open and green spaces have been revealed by drawing on all previous studies. The findings of the SWOT analysis are based on the opinions received at the focus group meetings, the contributions of the project team, the control organization and the project consultants, and the results of the analysis of Istanbul open and green areas.
- To the 2. Focus Group Meetings Report from here you can access.
It includes the results of the participation event held online on 16 June 2022 with academicians, experts, IMM units, District municipalities and relevant NGO representatives.
- To the 1. Focus Group Meetings Report from here you can access.
It includes the results of the participation event held with academicians, experts, IBB units and District municipalities representatives at IPA Florya Campus on 30 - 31 March 2022.
- To the Literature Report from here you can access.
The first stage of the work is to compile the published and accepted standards in the national and international literature on open and green spaces and their intended use and to explain the concepts. Green infrastructure strategies are examined in domestic and international examples. Studies and policies carried out by various institutions in the city as a whole, current green infrastructure applications, agreements, standards, and criteria applied in the world in this context are discussed in the light of rational values.